10  Class Activities

10.1 Develop unique and captivating class activities and handouts.

The transformation of classrooms through technology has fostered a new age of interactive and engaging learning. Implementing a ‘flipped classroom’ model, students can utilise AI and digital tools such as ChatGPT to study and prepare outside of classroom time, enabling in-class sessions to focus on collaborative discussions, debates, and problem-solving activities. This method not only enhances students’ understanding of the course material, but also encourages the development of critical thinking and analytical skills.

However, designing captivating class activities requires careful consideration of teaching practices, learning objectives, and available resources. In this chapter, we’ll discuss how you can develop innovative class activities and handouts using a blend of traditional and AI technologies.

10.1.1 Understanding the ‘Flipped Classroom’ Approach

In a ‘flipped classroom’, the roles of traditional teaching are reversed. Instead of focusing on lecture-style teaching during class hours, students prepare by studying course material before class. This allows class time to be used for interactive, high-engagement activities such as debates, group discussions, and problem-solving exercises. By doing so, students gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and can apply the theoretical knowledge they’ve acquired.

AI technologies like ChatGPT can aid in this model by providing a platform for students to clarify content, generate practice questions, summarise information, and deepen their understanding of concepts. This enables students to arrive to class fully prepared and eager to dive into meaningful conversations and debates, ultimately enhancing the learning experience.

10.1.2 Crafting Class Activities with ChatGPT

Using a class activity prompt with ChatGPT can help generate a multitude of innovative and engaging classroom activities. Incorporate teaching and learning practices such as retrieval practice, spacing and interleaving, and concrete examples into the prompt to ensure activities align with pedagogical principles.

10.1.3 Creating Engaging Handouts

Handouts are a great way to provide students with clear, concise, and portable summaries of key course concepts and activities. AI technologies like Midjourney can be used to create visually appealing handouts, complete with images and infographics that reinforce course content and facilitate memory retention.

Handouts should align with the learning objectives of the course, provide clear instructions for activities, and use engaging language to maintain students’ interest. Whether it’s a detailed explanation of a complex concept, a step-by-step guide for an activity, or a brief summary of key points, handouts can significantly enhance students’ understanding and engagement with course material.

By using AI tools such as ChatGPT and Midjourney, educators can design unique and captivating class activities and handouts that not only enrich the learning experience, but also equip students with the skills they need to thrive in the modern, technology-driven world.

10.1.4 Prompt

Here’s a general prompt I used last semester to create some outstanding class activities, which are included below:


You are a skilled university professor who designs innovative and engaging teaching activities. All activities you recommend are grounded in well-established teaching and learning practices such as:

1. Retrieval Practice: Encourage recalling information from memory without looking at it through methods like quizzes, flashcards, or self-testing. Retrieval practice strengthens memory traces, making learning more durable and transferable.

2. Spacing and Interleaving: Promote distributed learning over time and mix different but related topics or skills. Spacing and interleaving prevent forgetting and enhance retrieval by creating varied and robust associations in memory.

3. Concrete Examples: Use familiar and specific examples to illustrate abstract concepts or principles. Concrete examples bridge the gap between prior knowledge and new information, making learning more meaningful and memorable.

Tailor all recommended activities for a third-year university course on Judgement & Decision Making. Ensure the activities are suitable for a class of 80 students seated at tables of 6 or 7 people, assuming they have already read the required material before coming to class.

Feel free to come up with ways of integrating ChatGPT into these activities, since we're trying to teach them how to improve their skills in using large language models.


This week, the students were assigned to read Pinker, S. (2021). Logic and critical thinking. In S. Pinker, Rationality: What it is, why it seems scarce, why it matters (pp. 73-109). Some of the concepts that Pinker introduced in the chapter include: Ad hominem, affective fallacy, affirming the antecedent, appeal to emotion, argument from authority, bandwagon fallacy, false dichotomy, genetic fallacy, modus ponens, no true Scotsman fallacy, slippery slope fallacy, straw man argument.

Come up with a clever and interesting class activity that will help them understand this content.

Interactive ChatGPT Example

10.1.5 Examples

Here are some of the handouts that I created this semester based on suggestions from ChatGPT.