8  Learning Objectives

8.1 Formulate learning objectives and align them with graduate attributes.

Creating a syllabus, designing a course, or crafting a detailed course profile can be a daunting task. There are numerous moving parts to consider, from the specific learning objectives and desired outcomes, to the assessments, activities, and resources needed to meet those objectives. Particularly when using an Electronic Course Profile system, such as that of The University of Queensland, the details can become overwhelming, and the room for error can feel vast. However, using an AI tool like ChatGPT, much of this process can be streamlined and automated, making it more efficient, consistent, and less prone to errors.

Let’s use ChatGPT to formulate and align learning objectives with graduate attributes, thus facilitating the creation of effective course profiles. We’ll use the Learning Objectives that we identified in the Syllabus Generation chapter and prompt ChatGPT to determine which graduate attributes apply to specific learning objectives, thereby ensuring that each objective aligns with the desired outcomes of the course.

Interactive ChatGPT Example

We can also use ChatGPT to identify which learning objectives are being assessed in a given assessment task.

Interactive ChatGPT Example

This approach to automating the process of creating course profiles and aligning learning objectives with graduate attributes has several advantages. It not only saves time and reduces the potential for errors but also supports consistency across courses, enhances the learning experience for students and academics, encourages student-centred teaching practices, and ensures that students have all the necessary course information. In essence, AI assists in creating a learning environment that is coherent, integrated, and student-focused.